Requirements Capture
Also Known As
- Needs Analysis
- Requirement Elicitation
- Requirement Gathering
- User Stories (in Extreme Programming)
- User Stories (in Scrum)
Addresses / Mitigates
- Feature Fit Risk: Ensures that features align with client needs and expectations.
- Coordination Risk: Reduces coordination risks around deciding what should be built.
- Communication Risk: Helps in explaining exactly what should be built.
Attendant Risks
- Schedule Risk: Thorough requirements capture can be time-consuming.
Used By
- Extreme Programming: XP captures requirements through user stories and continuous dialogue with the customer.
- Scrum: Capturing requirements is done through user stories and the product backlog in Scrum.
- Waterfall Development: The requirements gathering and analysis phase in Waterfall involves collecting and documenting all possible requirements of the system to be developed.
"Requirements capture is the process of collecting information about the requirements of a system or project, typically through discussions and interactions with stakeholders." - Requirements capture, Wikipedia
Requirements Capture involves gathering and documenting the requirements for the software. This process ensures that the development team has a clear and comprehensive understanding of what needs to be built, helping to align the final product with client expectations and reducing the risk of costly changes later in the project.
See Also
Extreme Programming
An Agile software development methodology that emphasizes customer satisfaction, teamwork, and frequent delivery of small, functional software increments.
An Agile framework for managing and completing complex projects.
Waterfall Development
A traditional linear and sequential development methodology where each phase must be completed before moving on to the next.