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Estimating the time and resources needed for tasks.

Also Known As


Addresses / Mitigates

  • Deadline Risk: Provides realistic timelines helps hit important deadlines.
  • Funding Risk: Accurate estimation helps in securing and managing funding.
  • Agency Risk: Helps in planning and managing staff usage effectively.

Attendant Risks

  • Schedule Risk: Inaccurate estimates can lead to schedule overruns.
  • Deadline Risk: Can create dependencies on estimated timelines and resources.
  • Agency Risk: Can put unnecessary pressure on staff to hit deadlines.

Used By

  • Extreme Programming: XP uses practices like planning games to estimate the time and resources needed for tasks.
  • Lean Software Development: Lean focuses on working in small, manageable batches to reduce cycle time and increase feedback, aiding in more accurate estimation.
  • Scrum: Estimation is performed during sprint planning using techniques like story points.


"Estimation is the process of finding an estimate, or approximation, which is a value that can be used for some purpose even if input data may be incomplete, uncertain, or unstable." - Estimation, Wikipedia

Estimation in software development involves predicting the time, effort, and resources needed to complete tasks or projects. Accurate estimation is crucial for planning, budgeting, and managing the development process, helping to set realistic expectations and reduce the risk of overruns.

See the Risk-First section on Estimating for a thorough breakdown of this topic.

See Also

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