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10 docs tagged with "Estimating"

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Estimating the time and resources needed for tasks.



Part of the 'Estimating' Risk-First Track. Analogies for the problems of estimating.


Part of the 'Estimating' Risk-First Track, in which we look at straightforward extrapolation.

Fixing Scrum

Part of the 'Estimating' Risk-First Track, looking at the essential flaws in Scrums' time-boxing of work.


Part of the 'Estimating' Risk-First Track, where we look at estimating with uncertain boundaries.


Part of the 'Estimating' Risk-First Track, where we look at estimates with dependent, connected parts.

Kitchen Cabinets

Part of the 'Estimating' Risk-First Track, where we look at exponential distributions in estimates.

On Story Points

Part of the 'Estimating' Risk-First Track, about improving estimates using risk checklists.

Risk-First Analysis

Part of the 'Estimating' Risk-First Track, looking at an alternative to Scrum's Planning Poker


Extreme Programming

An Agile software development methodology that emphasizes customer satisfaction, teamwork, and frequent delivery of small, functional software increments.

Lean Software Development

An Agile software development methodology that emphasizes eliminating waste, building quality in, creating knowledge, deferring commitment, delivering fast, respecting people, and optimizing the whole.


An Agile framework for managing and completing complex projects.