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Providing guidance on how to use the software to users or developers.

Also Known As

  • Education
  • Instruction
  • Skill Development


Addresses / Mitigates

  • Learning Curve Risk: Provides necessary education to help team members get up to speed.
  • Operational Risk: Ensures that staff are well-trained in operational procedures and best practices.
  • Security Risk: Educates team members on security protocols and practices.

Attendant Risks

  • Schedule Risk: Training sessions can take time away from development, impacting schedules.
  • Dependency Risk: Creates a dependency on training programs and their effectiveness.

Used By

  • Extreme Programming: XP teams engage in continuous learning and improvement, often through practices like pair programming.


"Training is teaching, or developing in oneself or others, any skills and knowledge that relate to specific useful competencies." - Training, Wikipedia

Training in software development involves providing education and skill development for team members. This can include onboarding new employees, ongoing professional development, and specialized training in tools, technologies, and methodologies. Effective training ensures that team members are equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to perform their roles effectively.

Training can take various forms, including workshops, online courses, mentoring, and hands-on practice. It is crucial for keeping the team updated with the latest industry trends, tools, and best practices, thus enhancing overall productivity and performance.

See Also

Extreme Programming

An Agile software development methodology that emphasizes customer satisfaction, teamwork, and frequent delivery of small, functional software increments.