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Risk-First Diagrams Explained

Throughout A Simple Scenario we used diagrams to explain the risks we faced and the choices we were making. These are called "Risk-First Diagrams". Here, we're going to look at what is going on in these diagrams so that when we come to apply them to software development, they're not totally confusing.

Goal In Mind and Attendant Risks

The diagram above is taken from the dinner party example: we want to host a successful party, but in doing so, we know there are Attendant Risks.

Nothing To Eat

Here's another. In the diagram above we are dealing with the risk of not having enough food at the party by buying lots of snacks.

Interpreting Risk-First Diagrams

What’s going on in these diagrams? How should we interpret them? Let’s work left-to-right.

On The Left

A Goal To Reach, A Risk To Avoid

On the left in the first example we can see our goal, of having a successful party. This is the goal we want to reach, it's within our grasp to achieve this, if we only take the right actions.

Equally, we could have a risk that we wish to avoid, such as having nothing to eat at the party. To achieve that, we also need to take the right actions.

In The Middle

Taking Action

In the middle of a Risk-First diagram we see the actions you could take. In the diagram above, echoing the examples, they are "Hosting a Party" and "Buying Snacks". One is moving us towards the goal of "A Successful Party", the other, moving us away from the risk of "Not Enough Food".

On The Right


Nothing comes for free. On the right, you can see the consequence or outcome of the actions you've taken: Attendant Risks are the new risks you now have as a result of taking the action.

Hosting a dinner party opens you up to attendant risks like "Not Enough to Eat". As a result of that risk, we consider buying lots of snacks. As a result of that risk, we start to consider whether our guests will be impressed with that.

Thinking About Risk-First Diagrams

It's worth pointing out that sometimes the cure is worse than the disease.

By Taking Action you might end up in a worse predicament than you started. For example, cutting your legs off would definitely cure your in-growing toenail. We have to use our judgement to decide on the right course of action!

A Balance of Risk

So Risk-First diagrams represent a balance of risk: whether or not you choose to take the action will depend on your evaluation of this balance. Are the things on the left worse or better than the things on the right?

Cause and Effect

Stimulus, Response, Outcome

You can think about a Risk-First diagram in a sense as a way of visualising cause and effect. In biological terms this is called the Stimulus-Response Model, or sometimes, as shown in the diagram above, Stimulus-Response-Outcome. The items on the left of the diagram are the stimulus part: they're the thing that makes us Take Action in the world. The middle part (the action) is the response and the right side is the outcome.

There are all kinds of risks we face in life and we attach different value or criticality to them. Most people will want to take action against the worst risks they face in their lives and maybe put up with some of the lesser ones. Equally, we should also try and achieve our most critical goals and let the lesser ones slide (at least, from a rational standpoint).


Input, Function, Output

As well as considering Risk-First diagrams to be like the Stimulus-Response Model, you could also think in terms of functional programming, which might be more familiar to us as software developers.

We are transforming an input condition (on the left) into an output condition (on the right) by way of a function (the action we take, in the middle).

Other Elements

There are a few other bits and pieces that crop up in these diagrams that we should take care of:

Containers For Internal Models

The risks on the left and right are contained in rounded-boxes. That's because risks live in our Internal Models - they're not real-world things you can reach out and touch. They're contained in things like brains, spreadsheets, reports and programs.

Example: Blaming Others

Blame Game

In the above diagram, you can see how Jim is worried about his job security, probably because he's made a mistake at work. Therefore, in his Internal Model he has Funding Risks, i.e. he's worried about money.

What does he do? His Action is to blame Bob. If all goes according to plan, Jim has dealt with his risk and now Bob has the problems instead.

Mitigated and Hidden Risk

Mitigated and Hidden

The diagram above shows two other marks we use quite commonly: we put a "strike" through a risk to show that it's been dealt with in some way and the "cloud" icon denotes Hidden Risks- those unknown unknowns that we couldn't have predicted in advance.



Sometimes, we add artifacts to Risk-First diagrams. That is, real-world things such as people, documents, code, servers and so on. This is because as well as changing Internal Models, Taking Action will produce real results and consume inputs in order to do so. So, it's sometimes helpful to include these on the diagram. Some examples are shown in the diagram above.

Causation and Correlation

Causation and Correlation

Finally, we might sometimes wish to show that one risk is correlated or caused by another. In the diagram above we can see delays being caused by lack of staff, for example. (Note that often in the real world things are rarely so clear-cut).


Let's quickly summarise again what's happening in these diagrams:

PartWhere Is It?Consists of..
StimulusOn the leftRisks and Goals (in Internal Models), Artifacts
ResponseIn the middleActions being taken
OutcomeOn the rightNew Attendant Risks, New Artifacts, Hidden Risks


Risk-First is about understanding risk in software development, so next let's examine the scenario of a new software project. Instead of a single person organising a dinner party, we are likely to have a team, and our Internal Model will not just exist in our heads, but in the code we write.

On to Development Process...