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Glossary of Risk Types

Agency Risk

Risks due to the fact that things you depend on have agency, and they have their own goals to pursue.

Communication Risk

Risk associated with getting messages heard and understood and the transfer of information.

Complexity Risk

Risks caused by the weight of complexity in the systems we create, and their resistance to change and comprehension.

Coordination Risk

Risks due to the fact that systems contain multiple agents, which need to work together.

Deadline Risk

The risk of creating a dependency around a point in time.

Feature Fit Risk

Risk that the needs of the client don't coincide with services provided by the supplier.

Funding Risk

A particular dependency-scarcity risk, due to lack of funding.

Implementation Risk

Risk that the functionality you are providing doesn't correctly implement the perceived solution you are trying to build for your clients.

Internal Model Risk

Risks due to the differences between reality and an internal model of reality, and the assumption that they are equivalent.

Legal Risk

Risks due to the legal context in which an operation is running.

Lock-In Risk

Risks due to the commitments we make around dependencies, and the limitations they place on our ability to change.

Market Risk

Risk that the value your clients place on the features you supply will change, over time.

Operational Risk

The risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems or from external events.

Process Risk

When you depend on a business process, human process or software process to give you something you need.

Reliability Risk

Risks of not getting benefit from a dependency due to it's reliability.

Schedule Risk

The aspect of dependency risk related to variance around the time taken to complete tasks on a schedule.

Security Risk

Risks due to hostile agents and events from inside or outside of the system.