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Reliability Risk

Risks of not getting benefit from a dependency due to it's reliability.

Part Of

Reduced By Practices

  • Debugging: Removing bugs improves the reliability and stability of the software.
  • Demand Management: Helps in efficiently allocating scarce dependencies to meet the most critical demands.
  • Integration Testing: Ensures that integrated components work together as expected.
  • Monitoring: Identifies and addresses potential issues before they impact system reliability.
  • Pair Programming: More developers may be able to produce a more reliable implementation.
  • Performance Testing: Performance testing software can establish bounds on its reliability.
  • Redundancy: Minimizes operational disruptions by providing backup components.
  • Regression Testing: Regression testing helps prevent reliability breaks caused by software change.
  • Review: Reviews and audits can be performed to investigate the causes of unreliability in a system.

Attendant To Practices

  • Automated Testing: Creates dependencies on testing frameworks and tools.
  • Configuration Management: Carefully managing software configuration ensures that the reliability of dependencies is also managed.
  • Design: Creates dependencies on software components and design patterns.
  • Integration Testing: Adds dependencies on test environments and their availability.
  • Measurement: Creates dependencies on measurement tools and their accuracy.
  • Monitoring: Creates dependency on monitoring tools and their accuracy.
  • Prioritising: Prioritization can create dependencies on specific tasks or features.
  • Regression Testing: Requires a stable testing environment, creating dependencies.
  • Release: Releases can introduce discontinuities in software service if not managed well.

Whenever we use an external dependency, we are at the mercy of its reliability.

"... Reliability describes the ability of a system or component to function under stated conditions for a specified period of time." - Reliability Engineering, Wikipedia

It's easy to think about reliability for something like a bus: sometimes, it's late due to weather, or cancelled due to driver sickness, or the route changes unexpectedly due to road works. In software, it's no different: unreliability is the flip-side of Feature Implementation Risk. It's caused in the gap between the real behaviour of the software and our expectations for it.

Worked Example

Improving Reliability with Redundancy

A team builds a web service using a three-tier architecture running on in-house servers. However in practice, they find that their service has reliability issues: the single-node database often gets overloaded with requests and acts as a single choke-point for the whole system.

In response, they decide to add further redundancy to the database tier. However, this now introduces two further issues. First, the application tier needs to choose which database node to route to, (adding Complexity to the design. Second, the database nodes need to Coordinate and ensure that they present a consistent version of reality.

Most modern database management systems provide this kind of replication / synchronisation functionality, but it comes at the expense of node throughput, and cloud database services provide elastic scaling for this kind of issue (see below).

Types of Reliability / Example Threats

1. Availability

Availability is a measure of reliability often used for services, often expressed as uptime (the percentage of the the service is up) or mean time between failures (MTBF). However, availability is often a function of how heavily a service is being used so requirements around availability are often expressed as a percentage of requests within a given time or an error rate for requests as a whole.

Threat: An online service that you want to use doesn't publish Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and therefore it's hard to build software reliably on top of it.

Threat: People also suffer reliability issues! Staff can be sick or leave. This is a threat to the reliability of services you build.

2. Quality of Service (QoS)

Often a service dependency can be responding quickly (i.e. have good availability) but still perform inadequately, perhaps with wrong or sloppy results.

Threat: Performance testing establishes the operating bounds of a dependency, but not whether it is operating correctly in those bounds.

3. Maintainability and Serviceability

A dependency that is easy to maintain, service and reconfigure or repair is more reliable.

Threat: The dependency is hard to introspect, making it difficult to diagnose issues.

Threat: The dependency has no easy way to make upgrades and changes, except without bringing it down, damaging reliability.

4. Scalability

Scalability measures how well a system will perform as the workload increases. Often, a dependency will scale in a predictable way up to a point and then become completely unreliable. It's often important to establish those limits.

Threat: A dependency appears to scale well under test conditions but then can fail spectacularly under more extreme real-life conditions.

5. Elasticity

Elasticity expresses the concept of auto-scaling. Many cloud services now are designed to auto-scale. That is, more resources are added to the service (such as web servers, compute nodes etc) when the service is under heavy load.

Threat: You configure auto-scaling for a dependency, but are then caught out later when it runs way over the expected cost due to some poor performance at higher load levels.

6. Robustness

Robustness measures of how well a service handles and recovers from failures. A waterproof watch is more robust than a non-waterproof one as it can survive in more hostile scenarios.

Threat: Unusual events test the robustness of dependencies. For example, outages, network issues, denial-of-service attacks.

7. Fault Tolerance

Systems are often composed of other systems (especially in a microservices architecture). This often means that the system as a whole is never 100% "up" or "down". How does the system route around issues when parts are failing?

Threat: Systems composed of multiple agents can often have "grey failures" where some parts of the system fail and others don't. This makes anticipating the behaviour of the system under these conditions very difficult.

8. Safety

When the system fails, does it fail-safe? Or will there be catastrophe? Will transactions somehow be left incomplete?

Threat: The billing dependency drops requests under load, resulting in you under-billing your customers for their usage of your software.

Reliability Engineering

This kind of stuff is encapsulated in the science of Reliability Engineering. For example, Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FEMA):

"...was one of the first highly structured, systematic techniques for failure analysis. It was developed by reliability engineers in the late 1950s to study problems that might arise from malfunctions of military systems. " - FEMA, Wikipedia

This was applied on NASA missions, and then in the 1970's to car design following the Ford Pinto exploding car (see below). But establishing the reliability of software dependencies like this would be hard and expensive. We are more likely to mitigate Reliability Risk in software using performance testing or redundancy as shown in the diagram above.

Additionally, we often rely on proxies for reliability. We'll look at these proxies (and the way in which software projects signal their reliability) in much more detail in the section on Software Dependency Risks.

Anecdote Corner

In the 1970's Ford introduced a car called the Pinto. In order to reduce costs, the fuel tank was placed behind the rear axle making it liable to get punctured if the car was rear-ended. Ford crash-tested the car and discovered the fault but decided against reinforcing it as it would have cost a further $11 per car.

Sadly, this led to hundreds of injuries and deaths - as well as public outrage. This incident led to automakers adopting the practice of reliability engineering going forwards: prioritising testing, failure analysis and integrating safety features.