User Acceptance Testing
Having a customer representative available onsite for feedback.
Also Known As
- Beta Testing
- Client Acceptance Testing
- Customer Validation
- Dogfooding
- End User Testing
- Integration and Testing (in Waterfall Development)
- User Acceptance Testing (in Waterfall Development)
Addresses / Mitigates
- Feature Fit Risk: Ensures that the software meets the client's requirements and expectations.
- Implementation Risk: Validates that the implementation meets the specified requirements.
- Communication Risk: Facilitates feedback from end users, improving the final product.
- Internal Model Risk: As a feedback mechanism, UAT helps improve understanding of users and their requirements.
Attendant Risks
- Schedule Risk: UAT can be time-consuming, potentially delaying the release.
- Coordination Risk: Requires coordination between the development team and end users.
- Deadline Risk: Can often go on longer than expected, leading to deadline issues.
Used By
- Waterfall Development: The integration and testing phase in Waterfall includes system and acceptance testing to ensure the product meets the specified requirements and the needs of the users.
"User acceptance testing (UAT) is a phase of software development in which the software is tested in the 'real world' by the intended audience." - User acceptance testing, Wikipedia
User Acceptance Testing (UAT) involves having end users test the software to ensure it meets their requirements and expectations. This practice helps in identifying any issues that may not have been caught during previous testing phases and ensures that the final product is user-friendly and functional.
- Consider Payoff
- Development Process_
- User Acceptance Testing (Meeting Reality)
- Manual Testing
- Waterfall (One Size Fits No One)
See Also
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