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Runtime Adoption

Implementing and adhering to specific standards and libraries.

Also Known As

  • Library Integration
  • Standardization
  • Standards Adoption


Addresses / Mitigates

  • Implementation Risk: Ensures consistency and reliability by adhering to proven standards and libraries.
  • Implementation Risk: Reduces the risk of relying on proprietary or less widely adopted solutions.
  • Complexity Risk: Reduces the amount of code you are responsible for.

Attendant Risks

  • Software Dependency Risk: Creates dependencies on the adopted standards and libraries.
  • Boundary Risk: Limits flexibility by adhering to specific standards and libraries which may be hard to change later.
  • Funding Risk: Can incur costs associated with adopting standards or libraries.


"Standardization is the process of implementing and developing technical standards based on the consensus of different parties, including firms, users, interest groups, standards organizations, and governments." - Standardization, Wikipedia

Adoption of standards and libraries involves implementing and adhering to established standards and integrating widely-used libraries in software development. This practice helps in ensuring consistency, reliability, and maintainability of the software by leveraging proven solutions.


See Also