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Feature Risk

Risk you face when providing features for your clients.

practices > Deployment-And-Operations


Ensuring backup systems are in place to prevent failure.

practices > Development-And-Coding


Writing software to meet a required feature.

practices > External-Relations


The practice of securing funding from investors to support the growth and development of a startup.

risks > Feature-Risks

Conceptual Integrity Risk

Risk that the software you provide is too complex, or doesn't match the expectations of your clients' internal models.

Feature Access Risk

Risk of not being able to access a dependency in a timely fashion due to it's scarcity.

Feature Drift Risk

Risk that the features required by clients will change and evolve over time.

Feature Fit Risk

Risk that the needs of the client don't coincide with services provided by the supplier.

Implementation Risk

Risk that the functionality you are providing doesn't match the features the client is expecting, due to poor or partial implementation.

Market Risk

Risk that the value your clients place on the features you supply will change, over time.

Regression Risk

Risk that the functionality you provide changes for the worse, over time.