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Conducting regular reviews to discuss what went well, what didn't, and how to improve.

Also Known As


Addresses / Mitigates

  • Coordination Risk: Identifies and addresses historic coordination issues through regular reviews.
  • Process Risk: Continuously improves processes and practices.
  • Feature-Drift Risk: Captures feedback and adjusts features to meet evolving needs.
  • Internal Model Risk: Looking at what went wrong before leads to improving the internal model of risk for the future.

Attendant Risks

  • Schedule Risk: Requires coordination and can disrupt regular workflows.

Used By

  • Extreme Programming: XP relies on continuous feedback from tests, customers, and developers to improve the software.
  • Lean Software Development: Lean regularly reflects on and improves the development process through continuous improvement and Kaizen.
  • Scrum: Retrospectives are a key part of Scrum for continuous improvement.


"A retrospective is a look back at events that took place, or works that were produced, in the past." - Retrospective, Wikipedia

In agile software development, retrospectives are regular meetings where the team reflects on what went well, what didn't, and how they can improve. These meetings are crucial for continuous improvement, fostering a culture of learning, and enhancing team collaboration and performance.

See Also

Extreme Programming

An Agile software development methodology that emphasizes customer satisfaction, teamwork, and frequent delivery of small, functional software increments.

Lean Software Development

An Agile software development methodology that emphasizes eliminating waste, building quality in, creating knowledge, deferring commitment, delivering fast, respecting people, and optimizing the whole.


An Agile framework for managing and completing complex projects.